I am almost in tears and I am a guy, I am trying to put on Rain x wipers on a buick rendevious me and my neighbor tried for a half hour and I am kidding about the tearsHow do you change wiper blades on a buick rendivivous?
there are different styles -use a small screw driver to get it it release or just break this plastic locking piece out of the metal wiper arm hook.How do you change wiper blades on a buick rendivivous?
only about three styles and all are on the package the wiper come in really easy to get any off ok first are you replacing whole arm or just the blade whole arm pops up at window either held down by a clip you push and or just pry it a bit and it pops off if blade there is small clip you squease at end of wiper if its blade and arm it clips in middle type in search box
how to replace wiper blade video
how to replace wiper arm video
will get it